AUTHOR JAMES PANARELLA AT PHILADELPHIA AREA GAMING EXPO 2- 1/19/2024!James Panarella will be signing autographs and posing for pictures on January 19th, 2025 at the Philadelphia Area Gaming Expo from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 pm in the Vendor Area. Guests at the Expo include Frank Mentzer and Jeff Dee as well as gaming sessions, auctions, and seminars.


"Forgotten Lore" by James Panarella is now available at!

Hardcover edition now available at, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble.

Written by fantasy author James Panarella, Forgotten Lore represents the return of some of the most beloved classes, spells, and mechanics to the OSRIC™ roleplaying system. Within these pages the Barbarian, Bard, and Monk are waiting to be rediscovered, as well as entirely new classes, such as the Dark and Grey Paladins. Skills, New Weapons and rules for adventure on the High Seas are also some of the treasures found herein. Download your copy today!


Author James Panarella Visits
Towne for Game Night on May 15th at 7 p.m.

UPDATE: Due to the state-wide mandates on social distancing, this event has been postponed. Updates will be forthcoming as soon as they are available.

I'll be appearing at the Towne Book Center in Collegeville, PA on Friday May 15th at 7 p.m. to talk about "The Roleplayers" and participate in Game Night as part of Towne's monthly "Brews and Boardgames" event. Join us for a night of fun and gaming!

Towne Book Center is located at:

220 Plaza Drive
Collegeville, PA 19426


"The Roleplayers" is
Now Available for Purchase!

Update: I'm proud to announce that "The Roleplayers" is now a part of the Kindle Unlimited Reading program. If you are enrolled in the program, you could be reading my book for free right now!

When a group of middle-aged former roleplayers gather for a reunion in New York City, all Hell breaks loose - literally. The group finds themselves in a world where magic and death can be found at every turn and all thier greatest fantasies - and their darkest fears - come to life.

Now in stores:

Kindle E-Book and Paperback

